The Ministry of Health received a grant from the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury through the Specific International Program (SIP) funding mechanism. This project consists of 4 activity outputs, including: (1) availability of basic data on public health conditions and practice of handling cases due to mercury exposure, (2) availability of training modules for health workers in controlling health impacts due to mercury exposure, (3) availability of mechanism modules referral to health services and laboratories for handling cases due to mercury exposure, and (4) holding training for health workers in handling cases due to mercury exposure.
The Kick-Off Meeting on Improved Health Risk Control of Mercury Exposure in Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) and Surrounding Areas by Developing a Participatory Approach will be held online via the Zoom application on 17 March 2021, as a first step to socialize activities that will be carried out on funding SIP Minamata Convention. The meeting was also to build the commitment of relevant stakeholders in accelerating the achievement of Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2019 concerning the National Action Plan for Mercury Reduction and Elimination.
The objectives of the kick-off meeting are:
- Dissemination of objectives, outputs, and a series of activities to be carried out in the Minamata SIP project
- Obtain an overview of the location of the activity
- Determination of follow-up plans for the implementation of activities