Launch Event Indonesia, POPs in Textiles sector 2021Launch Event Indonesia, POPs in Textiles sector 2021-1

Regional Asia Project – Reducing uses and releases of chemicals of concern, including POPs, in the textiles sector. Project Preparation Grant Phase – Virtual Launch Meeting: Indonesia was held on 10-11 May 2021. This meeting was held in collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the United Nation Environmental Program (UNEP), BCRC-SEA & SCRC Indonesia and several countries namely Vietnam, Bangladesh and Pakistan with funding from UNEP to the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

The purpose of the meeting is as follows:

  • Present the Preparatory Grant Phase of the Project to national stakeholders.
  • Discuss the draft policy situation assessment; data knowledge management and sharing; use and management of chemicals; and, the textile supply chain to collect the basic situation in Indonesia.

The results or outputs expected from the meeting include the following:

  • Awareness of national stakeholders on reducing the use and release of chemicals of concern, including POPs, in the textile sector.
  • Input from national stakeholders on the basic situation:
    1. assessment of the policy situation;
    2. data knowledge management and sharing;
    3. use and management of chemicals; and,
    4. textile supply chain
  • Report of the virtual launch meeting in Indonesia.

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