Field visit to Lebak, 2021Field visit to Lebak, 2021-2

Field Visit to Lebak to Assess the Current Practices of Healthcare Providers in Providing Health Services to Mercury-exposed Residents as well as those Affected by Mercury Pollution in the ASGM Area and Identify Key Service Problems/gaps, held on 4-6 April 2021. This field visit is one of the initial data collection steps to get an overview of social and community health as well as miners around ASGM in 3 locations, namely: Lebak District (Cipanas District), Banyumas District (Ajibarang District), and West Lombok District (Sekotong District).

Goals and Outputs:

  1. Target
    Assessment of current practice of health service providers in providing health services to people who are at risk of exposure to mercury as well as those affected by mercury pollution in ASGM areas and identify major problems/gaps in services from 3 locations.
  2. Output
    The current condition of health management in prevention and curative/rehabilitative efforts in cases/problems of exposure to mercury as well as analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) that have been factually identified, also takes into account the results of projects/studies that have been previously carried out by various institutions, and clear information about the current lack of health services for mercury exposure.

Activities undertaken are primary and secondary data collection. Primary data was collected by conducting interviews and FGDs. Secondary data by collecting information about ASGM and public health from related agencies. The FGD was attended by around 10 ASGM workers (miners) and 10 government officials (Public health center, District Health Office, Hospital, Village Head, Lurah, Basi Desa, Informal Figures). Interviews were conducted with around 10 ASGM workers (miners) and 20 people living in locations around ASGM.

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