Organized by BCRC-SEA & SCRC Indonesia jointly by SR Asia Bangladesh and local NGO – Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), Bangladesh, regional consultations were held in the sea city of Cox’s Bazar in southeastern Bangladesh on 24 November 2019. Workshop took place in District Council Auditorium, Cox’s Bazar on the ongoing study project, “Marine waste and micro-plastics: promoting the environmentally sound management of plastic waste and achieving the prevention and minimization of plastic waste generation”. This workshop is the first in a series of grassroots consultations aimed at gathering local people’s views and concerns about the threat of plastic.
The second regional consultation was held in the port city of Chattogram in southeastern Bangladesh on 26 November 2019. The workshop took place at the Auditorium of the Department of Environment, Khulsi on the ongoing study project mentioned above. Given the study project dealing with marine pollution, consultation with cross-sectional people in the port city is very important.